This was awesome!!!!
I loved it. You did a really good job and LazerBlaze(plus anyone else who gives this a 0 for the dumbest reason) can go suck a dick!
This was awesome!!!!
I loved it. You did a really good job and LazerBlaze(plus anyone else who gives this a 0 for the dumbest reason) can go suck a dick!
One very small almost unnoticable error
At the very end when they close up at Kamek, u can still see the squished Jeff.
LMAO Starfish
OMG they just keep getting better! Can't wait to see the 4th one.
LOL that Starfish was the best part "I WANNA BE WITH YOU FOREVER"
things moved a little too fast but other than that you did a nice job
love it!
great animation man. what site did u get your effects from?(energy blasts, aura, ect)
Some came from the Jump Ultimate Stars sprite sheet of the characters. Others came from friends that I know, and any others were found.
All I can tell you is search on google, enhance the effects already on character sprite sheets or get to know people and ask them if they'll lend you some of their effects.
I may be able to get you some, PM me.
This flash took the words right out of my mouth
it was just a really bad april fool's joke that went too far. hopefully Newgrounds never goes red again
viva la resistance!
LOL funny
That was hilarious
BTW, JayJenJiz73195
LOL u perv aren't u a little young to even know what Hentai means?
"Filler does not count" LMAO
That one line had me laughing harder than watching this whole hilarious flash movie. mostly cuz it made me notice that Hinata really doesn't do anything outside of filler episodes
loved their Super forms at the end. Can't wait to see that in the show, even though u take like a 2 year break between each episode so it'll be like the year 3000 before we get to the end of the series LOL but yea, cnt wait for future episodes
the one where Sonic told Amy he was gay was priceless! I had to play that over like 4 times. THe credits were pretty kewl too. how did u put a video into a flash movie?
Age 31, Male
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Joined on 6/13/08